Family icon: Patron saints of marriage, Peter and Febronia |
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Family icon: Patron saints of marriage, Peter and Febronia

Добалено Июл 02 , 2011 в Icon

Family icon: Patron saints of marriage, Peter and Febronia

The family icon anciently was a part of the Orthodox tradition and was an amulet for each family member in deeper understanding of family values. On the icon depicted saints, bearing the names of family members. At the top of family icon blessing image of Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, «The Sign» or «Holy Protection» Guardian Angel of family is usually written. Composition may be constructed as that the Saints are in prayerful pose before the face of the Holy Mother of God.

The presence of family icon at home can unite the general spirit of the family; can help to connect the whole family in the tender and careful relations to one another. The icon will help to solve communication problems and misunderstandings in the family or make a particular harmony will help to understand the near and dear person. Tremulous prayer before this icon can make wonders. So the icon of the Holy Mother of God «The Healer» Feodorskoy can help in healing one of family members.

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